Conserve Fuel

Conserve Fuel

Idling a service vehicle is part of the job. Most fleet vehicles idle four to six hours each day. Based on five hours of idle time per day for 250 days a year and a fuel consumption rate of about a gallon per hour at idle, the average law enforcement vehicle consumes about 1,250 gallons of fuel per year without even moving.

What if you could eliminate the need to idle the vehicles in your fleet without sacrificing the climate control and electrical power your drivers need to perform their duties? ZeroRPM’s Idle Mitigation System gives you power, heat, and air conditioning without running the vehicle's engine. It also saves valuable natural resources for future generations.

Reduce Operating Costs

Reduce Operating Costs

Reducing the idle time of your vehicles reduces maintenance expenses dramatically. Idle Mitigation means less wear on the engine and therefore less routine maintenance and fewer unexpected breakdowns. Vehicles’ heating and cooling systems and other electrical components will also last much longer. They’ll also be much cheaper in the long run.

Improve Comfort

Improve Comfort

Your drivers will be much safer – not to mention more comfortable – with the ZeroRPM Idle Mitigation System installed. The possibility of poisonous exhaust entering the cabin is eliminated. Heat from the vehicle's engine doesn't build up around the foot pedals, helping your drivers stay comfortable and alert. In most vehicle models our system provides colder A/C than the factory system. Your drivers can also run the radio and other electrical components using the power supplied by the Idle Mitigation System.

Protect the Environment

Protect the Environment

The ZeroRPM Idle Mitigation System lowers annual carbon dioxide emissions by thousands of pounds per vehicle. A gallon of gasoline produces 19.5 pounds of CO2. A gallon of diesel fuel produces 22.4 pounds. Based on five hours of idle time per day for 250 days a year and a fuel consumption rate of about a gallon per hour at idle, the average law enforcement vehicle creates about 24,375 pounds of CO2 per year while idling.

Carbon dioxide is the transportation sector's primary contribution to global warming. This may seem unavoidable but it isn’t. CO2 emissions are eliminated by the ZeroRPM Idle Mitigation System.



Proven Horsepower at ZeroRPM