EERE offers webinars to the public on a range of subjects, from adopting the latest energy efficiency and renewable energy technologies, to training for the clean energy workforce. Webinars are free; however, advanced registration is typically required. You can also watch archived webinars and browse previously aired videos, slides, and transcripts.
Webinar Sponsors: Building Technologies Office, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, American Society of Mechanical Engineers
The Energy Department will present a live webinar titled “Buildings of the Future Research Project Launch and Virtual Panel Discussion on Building Technology Trends” on Wednesday, December 3, from 1:00 p.m. to 2:00 p.m. Eastern Standard Time. The webinar will launch the Buildings of the Future Research project and provide guidance for how building technology practitioners, academics, and researchers can shape our ongoing conversation throughout the study.
Lead project researcher Nora Wang from Pacific Northwest National Laboratory will moderate a panel on the building technology trends that will shape our built environment over the next 100 years.
The panel will include:
Webinar Sponsor: Federal Energy Management Program
The Energy Department will present a live webinar titled "O&M Best Practices for Small-Scale PV Systems" on Thursday, December 4, from 1:30 p.m. to 3:00 p.m. Eastern Standard Time. The webinar is part of the First Thursday Seminar series offered by the Federal Energy Management Program and will feature a discussion on operations and maintenance (O&M) best practices for photovoltaic (PV) systems of 100 kilowatts or less, including planning for a PV O&M scope of work and maintenance procedures to keep systems operating at optimal capacity.
This webinar focuses on maintaining existing PV systems, increasing predictability of operations, analyzing expected versus actual output, and reducing down time. The topics covered will help energy managers plan for critical PV O&M activities; understand the necessary qualifications for service personnel; ensure proper safety procedures during diagnostics, isolation, and repair; and realize the economic benefits of a well-maintained PV array.
Webinar Sponsor: U.S. Department of Agriculture Rural Utilities Service
The Energy Department and U.S. Department of Agriculture will present a live webinar titled “Energy Efficiency and Conservation Loan Program Webinar Series-- #2 Evaluation, Monitoring & Verification” on Thursday, December 4, from 3:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m. Eastern Standard Time. Join experts from the Energy Department and U.S. Department of Agriculture to learn about the Rural Utilities Service’s new Energy Efficiency and Conservation Loan Program (EECLP). Through the EECLP, the Rural Utilities Service provides direct loans to rural electric cooperatives and other rural electricity providers. The EECLP supports energy efficiency, demand side management and renewable energy generation. The second of this six-part webinar series will cover the basics of evaluation, monitoring and verification (EM&V). During the webinar, experts will cover key concepts in EM&V and provide an overview of the full process, including estimating savings before programs are implemented and measuring and verifying the savings at the end. The webinar will also cover EM&V framework, evaluation plans, technical reference manuals and measurement and verification studies.
Webinar Sponsor: U.S. Department of Agriculture Rural Utilities Service
The Energy Department and U.S. Department of Agriculture will present a live webinar titled “Residential Energy Efficiency Deep Dive, Part One” on Thursday, December 11, from 3:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m. Eastern Standard Time. Learn the fundamentals of developing a sustainable program working to upgrade the energy efficiency of homes and buildings. The first in a two-part series, this webinar will share best practices from the more than 40 competitively selected state and local governments who participated in the Energy Department’s Better Buildings Neighborhood Program, including market position and business model, program design and customer experience, evaluation and data collection, marketing and outreach, financing, contractor engagement and workforce development. Learn how to work through the planning process, from strategy development and planning to implementation and evaluation. The webinar will also cover how these proven strategies can be explored more fully in the Energy Department’s new Better Buildings Residential Program Solution Center, a robust collection of nearly 1,000 examples and resources for residential energy efficiency programs. This one-stop shop walks program administrators and their partners through a series of handbooks containing step-by-step guidance and lessons learned.
This webinar is part of a series focusing on the Rural Utilities Service’s new Energy Efficiency and Conservation Loan Program (EECLP). Through the EECLP, the Rural Utilities Service provides direct loans to rural electric cooperatives and other rural electricity providers. The EECLP supports energy efficiency, demand side management and renewable energy generation.
Webinar Sponsor: Water Power Program
The Energy Department will present a live webinar titled "Marine and Hydrokinetic (MHK) Technology Development Risk Management Framework” on Tuesday, December 16, from 9:00 a.m. to 10:30 a.m. Eastern Standard Time, and again from 2:00 p.m. to 3:30 p.m. Eastern Standard Time. The Energy Department and the National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL) have developed an MHK technology reliability and survivability risk assessment framework that is designed to reduce deployment failure risk and increase the probability of success when applied to an MHK technology development project at any stage, particularly prior to demonstration activities. Join Energy Department representatives and NREL’s David Snowberg and Jochem Weber for a free, 90-minute webinar to introduce the MHK industry and relevant stakeholders to the MHK Technology Development Risk Management Framework. Snowberg and Weber will provide an overview of the risk management framework during the first half of the webinar and will take questions and comments from participants during the second half.
Webcast Sponsor: WINDExchange
The Energy Department will present a live webcast titled “Small & Distributed Wind Turbine Update” on Wednesday, December 17, from 3:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m. Eastern Standard Time.
Bret Barker, U.S. Department of Energy, will present an Energy Department program overview, including a certification update and discussion of the implementation of certification standards into ITC/1603. Robert Preus from the National Renewable Energy Laboratory will describe the soon-to-be-published Small Wind Turbine Site Assessor's Guide. An overview of the SMART Wind Consortium, which is funded by the U.S. Department of Commerce, will also be presented.Webinar Sponsor: Building Technologies Office
The Energy Department will present a live webinar titled “Building America: Research for Real-World Results” on Wednesday, December 17, from 3:00 p.m. to 4:30 p.m. Eastern Standard Time. The webinar is part of a monthly series offered by the Building Technologies Office’s (BTO) Building America program that presents the latest advances in residential building technologies and practices developed by Building America research teams and national laboratory experts. In this webinar, Eric Werling, Building America program coordinator, and Sam Rashkin, chief architect, BTO, will provide an overview of key Building America accomplishments, current research focus areas, and future strategies for advancing market adoption of energy-efficient building technologies and practices. They will also discuss exciting new developments in the Department’s Zero Energy Ready Home Program and the 2015 Race to Zero Student Design Competition.
Webinar Sponsor: Weatherization and Intergovernmental Programs Office
The Energy Department will present a live webinar titled “Best Practices in Energy Data Collection and Tracking in the Public Sector” on Thursday, December 18, from 2:00 p.m. to 3:30 p.m. Eastern Standard Time. Hosted by the Energy Department's Weatherization and Intergovernmental Programs Office (WIPO), this Technical Assistance Program (TAP) webinar will cover a step-by-step guide with best practices from state and local governments and school districts across the country demonstrating the value of an energy data tracking effort. Attendees will hear from Mona Khalil, policy advisor for WIPO.
Webinar Sponsor: U.S. Department of Agriculture Rural Utilities Service
The Energy Department and U.S. Department of Agriculture will present a live webinar titled “Residential Energy Efficiency Deep Dive, Part Two” on Thursday, December 18, from 3:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m. Eastern Standard Time. Part two of this series will focus on how to implement specific aspects of an energy efficiency program based on needs expressed in the first energy efficiency webinar. Potential topics include: how best to communicate and market your program to entice consumers to participate, workforce development, partnering effectively with contractors, completing data collection, and evaluation activities.
This webinar is part of a series focusing on the Rural Utilities Service’s new Energy Efficiency and Conservation Loan Program (EECLP). Through the EECLP, the Rural Utilities Service provides direct loans to rural electric cooperatives and other rural electricity providers. The EECLP supports energy efficiency, demand side management and renewable energy generation.
Webinar Sponsor: U.S. Department of Agriculture Rural Utilities Service
The Energy Department and U.S. Department of Agriculture will present a live webinar titled “On-Bill Financing” on Thursday, January 8, from 3:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m. Eastern Standard Time. This webinar will focus on financing programs that enable customers to make energy improvements through their utility bills. On-bill financing is one way to provide customers with low-cost, up-front capital required to make energy improvements and, in some jurisdictions, on-bill programs have been operating for decades. The webinar will discuss existing on-bill programs around the country and highlight different ways to structure an on-bill program.
This webinar is part of a series focusing on the Rural Utilities Service’s new Energy Efficiency and Conservation Loan Program (EECLP). Through the EECLP, the Rural Utilities Service provides direct loans to rural electric cooperatives and other rural electricity providers. The EECLP supports energy efficiency, demand-side management and renewable energy generation.
Webcast Sponsor: WINDExchange
The Energy Department will present a live webcast titled “Design Conditions for the Hurricane Metocean Environment” on Thursday, January 15, from 3:00 p.m. to 4 p.m. Eastern Standard Time. Joel Cline from the Energy Department will moderate, and the following speakers will discuss design conditions for the hurricane metocean environment:
Mark Powell, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA): Hurricane Conditions and Wind Shear Peter Vickery, Applied Research Associates: Synthetic Hurricane Modeling of Coupled Winds, Waves, Currents, and Water Levels George Hagerman, Virginia Tech: White-Capping and Depth-Limited Wave Breaking