EERE offers webinars to the public on a range of subjects, from adopting the latest energy efficiency and renewable energy technologies, to training for the clean energy workforce. Webinars are free; however, advanced registration is typically required. You can also watch archived webinars and browse previously aired videos, slides, and transcripts.
Webcast Sponsor: WINDExchange
The Energy Department will present a live webcast titled "Design Conditions for the Hurricane Metocean Environment" on Thursday, January 15, from 3:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m. Eastern Standard Time. Joel Cline from the Energy Department will moderate, and the following speakers will discuss design conditions for the hurricane metocean environment:
Mark Powell, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration: Hurricane Conditions and Wind Shear Peter Vickery, Applied Research Associates: Synthetic Hurricane Modeling of Coupled Winds, Waves, Currents, and Water Levels George Hagerman, Virginia Tech: White-Capping and Depth-Limited Wave BreakingWebinar Sponsor: Weatherization and Intergovernmental Programs Office
The Energy Department will present a live webinar titled "Better Buildings Challenge K-12 Education Partners" on Wednesday, January 21, from 2:00 p.m. to 3:30 p.m. Eastern Standard Time. Hosted by the Energy Department's Weatherization and Intergovernmental Programs Office, this Technical Assistance Program webinar will feature an introduction to how Better Buildings Challenge (BBC) K-12 Education Partners are demonstrating achievable and effective clean energy initiatives that reduce energy costs and climate impact.
This Better Buildings K-12 Education Update will highlight partners and results to help school districts succeed in reaching their energy-savings goals. There is still time for other school districts to step forward and demonstrate leadership in developing innovative, replicable solutions to become a high performance school that improves the student learning environment and achieves the maximum level of energy performance possible. The Energy Department's Crystal McDonald will show the benefits of BBC partnerships to achieve results and reduce energy costs.
Webinar Sponsor: WINDExchange
The Energy Department will present a live webcast titled "Wind Turbine Recycling and Repowering" on Wednesday, January 21, from 3:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m. Eastern Standard Time. What happens to a wind farm when its turbines reach the end of their lifecycle? This webinar explores the options available to developers and installation owners when considering what to do with a turbine at the end of its economic lifespan. What does the recycling process look like, and what's involved with repowering a site?
Eric Lantz, National Renewable Energy Laboratory, will provide a summary of a recent repowering analysis report. Jason Cotrell, National Renewable Energy Laboratory, will summarize a soon-to-be-published analysis on turbine recycling. The report examines several key wind turbine components, including fiberglass (blades), permanent magnets (generator), and steel (towers), and the recycling and reuse options that exist. Rick Miller, EDF Renewable Energy, will provide his perspective on recycling and repowering and share lessons learned from his experiences.Webinar Sponsor: Water Power Program
The Energy Department will present a live webinar titled "Marine and Hydrokinetic Systems Performance Advancement II: Component Metric Validation" on Thursday, January 22, from 2:00 p.m. to 3:00 p.m. Eastern Standard Time. Representatives of the Energy Department will discuss a new $8 million funding opportunity to spur innovation in next-generation marine and hydrokinetic (MHK) control and component technologies. The Energy Department plans to select up to five projects to improve the performance and reduce the technical risk of MHK technologies by advancing crosscutting power take-off components, innovative structures, and advanced controls for MHK systems under development for commercial application. Concept papers are due by February 9.
Webinar Sponsor: U.S. Department of Agriculture Rural Utilities Service
The Energy Department and U.S. Department of Agriculture will present a live webinar titled "Solar Program Overview" on Thursday, January 22, from 3:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m. Eastern Standard Time. Hear from our solar experts on the fundamentals of developing a solar power program in your community. This webinar will introduce a range of policy and program options that have been successfully field tested in cities and counties around the country and highlight lessons learned and best practices.
This webinar is part of a series focusing on the Rural Utilities Service's new Energy Efficiency and Conservation Loan Program (EECLP). Through the EECLP, the Rural Utilities Service provides direct loans to rural electric cooperatives and other rural electricity providers. The EECLP supports energy efficiency, demand-side management, and renewable energy generation.
Webinar Sponsors: Tribal Energy Program, Energy Department Office of Indian Energy Policy and Programs, Western Area Power Administration
The Energy Department and Western Area Power Administration will present a live webinar titled "Best Practices in Developing a Tribal Strategic Energy Plan" on Wednesday, January 28, from 1:00 p.m. to 2:30 p.m. Eastern Standard Time. Attendees will learn from experts who have overcome typical barriers and used community participation to gain buy-in. Speakers include Michael Cardwell and Jesse Cardenas, who were instrumental in developing the Quinault Indian Nation's biomass strategy and demonstrating how it fits into the tribe's strategic plan.
Webinar Sponsor: Better Buildings
The Energy Department will present a live webinar titled "ESPC 2.0: How a New Generation of Energy Savings Performance Contracting is Improving Energy Efficiency in U.S. Buildings" on Tuesday, February 3, from 3:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m. Eastern Standard Time. Join Better Buildings Challenge Partners and Allies to learn how they are employing energy savings performance contracts (ESPCs) to improve long-term energy performance in their buildings with little or no upfront cost. A representative from the Energy Department will also introduce our ESPC Accelerator, a high-impact program designed to support expansion of ESPCs by state and local governments.
Webcast Sponsor: WINDExchange
The Energy Department presented a webcast titled "Small and Distributed Wind Turbine Update" on Wednesday, December 17.
Bret Barker, U.S. Department of Energy, presents an Energy Department program overview, including a certification update and discussion of the implementation of certification standards into ITC/1603. Robert Preus from the National Renewable Energy Laboratory describes the soon-to-be-published Small Wind Turbine Site Assessor's Guide. An overview of the SMART Wind Consortium, which is funded by the U.S. Department of Commerce, is presented.Webinar Sponsor: Fuel Cell Technologies Office
The Energy Department presented a webinar titled "Materials Genome Initiative" on Tuesday, December 2. The Energy Department supports the use of the Materials Genome Initiative (MGI) tools and methodologies to accelerate the discovery and development of materials for clean energy technologies. The approach centers on coordinating research efforts in theory, synthesis, characterization, and information-management, and uses the latest combinatorial and high-throughput techniques in both computation and experimentation. This webinar describes current directions in the evolution of the clean energy MGI and showcases several exciting DOE projects, mainly in the Fuel Cell Technologies Office, that have been early adopters of MGI methods.